The Night Shift is both the name of the series and the first novel, at least for right now.
The setting is Moorsend, a city in the north end of the Northeastern USA. It is a hard place to live and it always has been, whether it was back when surviving the winter and the wolves that populated the forest outside of civilization or just trying to get by in a city hit by the recession just like every other one. They have something of a protector though and just about always have. The Wolf's Shadow isn't always there and won't always be there but he certainly does do some protecting of the city and its people. Of course some of those people are pretty sure he's the reason why crime has touched some of the most ludicrous extremes, those extremes being the Black Guard. That used to be the mafia but at some point the more elaborate and unhinged criminals began to be labelled that and in present day Moorsend the mafia or any form of traditional organized crime won't touch the name with a ten foot pole.
Moorsend is so much more than vigilantes and black guards though. Everyone has heard a story of a hero. Everyone has heard a story about a villain. This is about everyone else.
(Though there probably will be stories dedicated to the Wolf's Shadow and various Black Guard because they're pretty interesting too.)
The Night Shift (In a Time of Hopes and Dreams)
This is really three stories and follows a museum curator, a college student and a med school student. At least, those are the three normal people that the book follows. In this city, once the sun sets more colorful characters come out including the vigilante who started the trend and numerous criminals. The more colorful characters highlighted in this first book, which takes both an 'in media res' and from the start approach are a ghost who may or may not have previously haunted and protected one of the city's museums, the right hand henchgal to an established baddie, and a vigilante medic.
Book 2
Another Bad End Night (In a Time of Memories)
Tentative Release: October 2014
Follows the sister of the henchgirl from the first book through her misguided exploration of the abandoned insane asylum sitting just outside the city.
Tentative Release: October 2014
Follows the sister of the henchgirl from the first book through her misguided exploration of the abandoned insane asylum sitting just outside the city.
Book 3
In a Time of Tradition
The back story of the star vigilante. It's a family affair.